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Ground Station for SNUGLITE Project
Antennas of ground station for SNUGLITE project is located on rooftop of bldg#302 at Seoul National University.
Lat: 37°26'54.0471" N
Lon: 126°57'08.9927" E
Hgt: 279 meters
List of ground station equipment
- UHF antenna: 436CP42UG w/ polarity SW (M2 Inc.)
- VHF antenna: 2MCP22 w/ polarity SW (M2 Inc.)
- L/S-band antenna: MANTL24 w/ order made L/S feeder (SatService GmbH) and order made band-pass filter (CONTEC)Rotator
- G-5500 (Yaesu)Preamplifier
- SP-2000 (SSB electronics GmbH)
- SP-7000 (SSB electronics GmbH)Transceiver
- IC9100 (Icom Inc.)
- HISPICO S-band receiver (IQ wireless GmbH)TNC
- KAM-XL (Kantronics)

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