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The Number of Received Beacon from SNUGLITE-I (April 22, 2019)

최종 수정일: 2024년 10월 10일

SNUGLITE boroadcasts its health and several data at every 10 seconds. Any one could receive the data using UHF antenna and receiver. Following picture is the number of received beacon data form SNUGLITE cubesatellite. Data were collected with SNU(Seoul National University) ground station and Satnogs amatuers. Satnogs is an open source ground station. We really appreciate to Satnogs efforts.

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DK3WN SnugLite telemetry decoder v.0.1 Online Telemetry Forwarder v.1.0.19 Telemetry Uploaders to SatNOGS(



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